4.86 outline Template
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Complete the following outline in sentences.
You need at least two body paragraphs and the specified number of exanples and explanations. If you would like to have additional paragraphs or examples and explanations, just add
then to your template. Use the sample from the lesson to help you.
Writing Prompt:
How have these two authors expressed their relationships with nature? After reading and analyzing "The Calypso Borealis," an essay by John Muir, and William Wordsworth's poem, "I
Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," write an essay in which you describe how each author Views nature and answer the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text.
1. Thesis Statement:John Muir and Willian Wordsworth both express their passionate feelings for nature by using figurative language in their writings, Warstwacth and Muir both use
metaphors and siniles in their writing to put emphasis on what they're expressing.
2. Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: T
1. Direct quotation from the text:
2. Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author's relationship with or view of nature
3. Direct quotation from the text:
4. Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author's relationship with or view of nature:
3. Body Paragraph 12 Topic Sentence:
1. Direct quotation from the text:
2. Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author's relationship with or view of nature!
3. Direct quotation from the text:
4. Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author's relationship with or view of nature:
4. Conclusion
1. You will write a conclusion in a later lesson and do not need to complete this part now
person in a
William Wordsworth has gone for a fiction mode in describing how nature impact his happiness using romantic words according to him nature can change the mode of
positive way for the people who appreciate nature and John Muir stay more realistic to explain how nature inpact his happiness he mentions about a journeys where he finds that
nature its beauty .

Respuesta :

Thesis Statement:  John Muir and William Wadsworth used imagery to explain how nature feels to them. They used words like “beautiful” to describe how they viewed nature and how it left a positive impact on them.

Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: In the story “Calypso Borealis” by John Muir he used many imagery words such as “beautiful” and “wonderful”. Nature left a powerful impact on John Muir whenever he was in the woods by himself. When he sat next to the flower he felt his worries disappear and he didn’t feel hungry or lonely.

Direct quotation from the text:  “It seems wonderful that so frail and lovely a plant has such power over human hearts.”

Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author’s relationship with or view of nature:    In this quote John Muir expresses how the flower had such a big impact on him and his heart.

Direct quotation from the text:  “How long I sat beside Calypso I don't know. Hunger and weariness vanished, and only after the sun was low in the west I plashed on through the swamp, strong and exhilarated as if never more to feel any mortal care.”

Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author’s relationship with or view of nature:     In this quote John Muir expresses that he didn’t even know how long he sat next to the flower because he was so amazed at how beautiful it was.

Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence:   In the poem “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud” William Wadsworth used imagery to express how he felt about nature. One of the expressions he used was “golden daffodils” Another one he used was “Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Direct quotation from the text:  “A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author’s relationship with or view of nature:    He views nature as something that could be alive. He uses descriptive words such as “fluttering” and “dancing”.

Direct quotation from the text:   “And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.”

Explanation of how this quotation reveals the author’s relationship with or view of nature:     He describes his heart filling with pleasure and dancing with the daffodils. His heart is filled with pleasure because he is happy to be around nature.

Explanation: This is what I wrote for my repsonse so I thought I'd post this and help other people out as well :)