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Both the biotic and abiotic factors determine the distribution of the aquatic life in oceans, rivers etc.

In large oceans, there will be areas where very little aquatic life will be observed because of the unfavourable biotic and abiotic conditions. There will be other areas where the aquatic life distribution will be seen in  majority due to favorable conditions.

Some of the factors on which aquatic distribution depends are:

Temperature: The temperature at different times of the seasons determine the distribution of the aquatic life. Lesser fishes will be able to survive the harsh, freezing temperatures in the winters. The aquatic distribution will be more in warmer areas of the ocean.

Light: Areas of the ocean or rivers which receive more light will have more plants in those areas. This is because photosynthesis requires light energy. More plants means that more aquatic animals will also be present in those areas to feed on them.

Preys: Aquatic distribution will be more in areas where there are larger quantities of small fishes. This is because small fishes are the prey for many bigger fishes.