When planning a sequence of PDSA cycles for a change that involves patients, which of the following is a true statement?
A. Patient characteristics in each PDSA should be as uniform as possible to allow valid comparison
B. The number of patients in each cycle should stay fixed, to allow valid comparisons
C. We would expect the number of patients involved to grow rapidly from early cycles to later cycles
D. PDSA acronym refers to Plan Discuss Satisfy Applaud

Respuesta :




B. The number of patients in each cycle should stay fixed, to allow valid comparisons.

what is PDSA cycle?

PDSA, or Plan-Do-Study-Act, is an iterative, four-stage problem-solving model used for improving a process or carrying out change.

Why is PDSA important?

Using PDSA cycles can help clinicians deliver improvements in patient care through a structured experimental approach to learning and tests of change.

Learn more about PDSA cycle here
