Respuesta :


Ways to prevent beach erosion : Groyne, Offshore breakwater structure, Artificial headland. Disadvantages of each have been given below


Beach Erosion is of sand around coasts, it displaced to some other places.It can lead to flooding, building loss.

Ways to prevent beach erosion are :

1. Groyne  : A coastal structure - of wood, rock, bamboo - constructed perpendicular to the coastline from the shore into the,  sea to trap longshore sediment transport or control longshore currents.

  • Disadvantages : Erosion downdrift risk, more structure & more maintenance needed, Local scours at structures' toes

2. An offshore breakwater structure : is built in the near shore zone, parallel to the shore and serves as a wave absorber. It helps reducing wave energy by serving as a wave absorber.  

  • Disadvantages : Large, difficult to build & design structures, vulnerable to strong wave action

3. Aritificial Headland : It is a structure constructed to promote natural beaches, as it plays role of a artificial headland. It is relatively easy to construct and little maintenance is required

  • Disadvantages : Relatively large structure, Poor stability against large waves