Directions: Consider the events from Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy to the conclusion of chapter 7 as a story within the novel as a whole. Analyze events by charting a pattern of causation (how does each event cause the other) and complete the elements below. Write each event that makes up each element of the plot in bulleted notes. Plot: (definition - write the definition of plot and of all its elements as you complete this. You may find the definition of the term online or in the glossary of the literary terms on the back of your textbook)

Respuesta :


Consider the events from Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy to the conclusion of chapter 7 as a story within the novel as a whole.

Analyze events by charting a pattern of causation (how does each event cause the other) and complete the elements below.

Write each event that makes up each element of the plot in bulleted notes. Plot: (definition - write the definition of plot and of all its elements as you complete this.

You may find the definition of the term online or in the glossary of the literary terms on the back of your textbook)


  • Causation: Gatsby lured Daisy.
  • Plot: Gatsby is concerned about having Daisy lured, and afraid he could loose her love, calls off his parties, fires his servants to void  gossiping and replaces them with shady individuals connected to Meyer Wolfshiem.
  • Causation: Nick visited Tom and Daisy´s for lunch.
  • Plot: Nick finds Gatsby and Jordan Baker there, and meets Daisy’s baby girl, but Gatsby and Daisy cannot hide their love for one another, and Tom becomes certain of their feelings for each other.
  • Causation: Looking for a confrontation.
  • Plot: Tom suggests that they should all go to New York together. Nick, Tom, and Jordan learn that Wilson has discovered his wife’s infidelity—though not the identity of her lover—and plans to move her to the West. At the Plaza Hotel. Tom confronts with Gatsby asking him about his intentions for Daisy, and Gatsby replies that Daisy loves him, not Tom.
  • Causing: Confrontation consequences.
  • Plot:  Tom claims that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could not possibly understand.  Daisy, in love with Gatsby earlier in the afternoon, feels herself moving closer and closer to Tom as she observes the quarrel. Realizing he has bested Gatsby, Tom sends Daisy back to Long Island with Gatsby to prove Gatsby’s inability to hurt him. Driving back to Long Island, Nick, Tom, and Jordan discover a frightening scene on the border of the valley of ashes.  Tom thinks that Wilson will remember the yellow car from that afternoon. He also assumes that Gatsby was the driver.  Back at Tom’s house, Nick waits outside and finds Gatsby hiding in the bushes. Gatsby says that he has been waiting there in order to make sure that Tom did not hurt Daisy. He tells Nick that Daisy was driving when the car struck Myrtle, but that he himself will take the blame. Still worried about Daisy, Gatsby sends Nick to check on her. Nick finds Tom and Daisy eating cold fried chicken and talking. They have reconciled their differences, and Nick leaves Gatsby standing alone in the moonlight.