Raul remember that he had a dream last night I which he was riding in his car when he flew out the window and up toward the clouds .These remembered parts of the dream are known as the. Content

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According to psychoanalysis, dreams have two main components:

  1. Manifest content: This refers to the actual and literal content of the dream. It is the dream itself and the images we remember of it.
  2. Latent content:  This refers to the hidden meaning in the dream that is based on our unconscious mind.

In this example, Raul remembers a dream where he was riding in his car when he flew out the window and towards the clouds, he is remembering the literal dream and the images so therefore this is an example of manifest content.


Manifest content


There are basically two content in virtually all dreams that we as humans do have. They are the manifest content and the latent content.

The manifest content of a dream is the actual imagery content or elements that is contained in the dream that we can literally remember and recall when we wake up from sleep after dreaming, while the latent content is the hidden meaning of that is attached to these elements that is contained in the dream.

The remembered parts of Raul's dream as described in the question above, is the manifest content of his dream. All the contents that Raul remembered in the dream he had, are all referred to as the manifest content.