A student finds a puddle of water in a garden and takes a sample he wants to perform an experiment to determine if they are living things in the water how can you collect data that would provide evidence of living things

Respuesta :


We will have to perform this as a practical to show all the evidence of living things.


Student use microscopes to examine water samples collected from puddles, ponds  or creeks. After identifying any living organisms under the microscope, the student estimate

how many living organisms are in their classroom and consider whether those organisms  are large enough to see without a microscope. Students use this information to predict  whether the life forms on their planet are large enough to see without a microscope.

Purpose :

The bulk of the biomass on Earth is microscopic, and for most of Earth’s history  all life was microscopic. This lesson is designed to help student appreciate that life

outside of Earth may be too small to see with the naked eye.

Standards :

A complete list  this lesson and their standards are to be done here,

Procedure :

One to two weeks before this lesson: Have students collect samples of water  from puddles, creeks or ponds. Caution them that if they collect a sample from a pond,

lake or deep stream or creek that they should have an adult with them when they collect  it. Have them bring their sample into school in a sealed jar. When they bring their  samples in, place two or three grains of cooked rice in the jar to provide nutrients for any  microorganisms living in the water.

The jars should be kept sealed and out of direct  sunlight to prevent overheating.

It is a good idea to collect a few samples yourself in case some groups do not have  any samples containing life. Check your samples occasionally under the microscope to  make sure that there are organisms living in the water.

Begin the lesson. Students should get in their groups and begin reading

     Big Life or Tiny? You may want to read the first paragraph aloud and give the groups  time to answer the question. Students should count all the living things that they can see  in the classroom. Answers should be around 30, depending on whether there are any  plants or pets in the classroom.  

The rice was to provide food for anything living in the water.