Na treningu odmierzano za pomocą aplikacji komputerowej 15-minutowe cykle ćwiczeń, które następowały bezpośrednio jeden po drugim. Ola zaczęła ćwiczyć, gdy pierwszy cykl trwał już 2 minuty, a skończyła, gdy do końca trzeciego cyklu zostało jeszcze 7 minut. Ile łącznie minut Ola ćwiczyła na zajęciach? Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź spośród podanych. A. 36 B. 35 C. 24 D. 21

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Step-by-step explanation:

To answer this question, let’s have the polish translated to English;

During the training, 15-minute exercise cycles were measured using a computer application, which followed one after the other. Ola started exercising when the first cycle lasted already 2 minutes, and finished when the end of the third cycle was still 7 minutes. How many minutes in total did Ola practice in class? Choose the right answer from the given ones

So, in this question, we are asked to calculate the total amount of minutes Ola spent cycling given that each cycle lasts 15 minutes and she started cycling at a certain time of the first cycle and stopped at a certain time in the third cycle.

Now, we first identify that there are 3 cycles of 15 minutes each, that is settled.

We also establish that she cycled the whole of the second cycle, that makes 15 minutes.

She started cycling when the first cycle only lasted 2 minutes, this means she cycled for a total of 13 minutes here. Then during the last cycle, she finished 7 minutes to the end, meaning she cycled for 8 minutes here.

Now, the total amount of time cycled by ola would be 13 + 15 + 8 = 36 minutes