Respuesta :

Unfortunately there isn’t a good answer for this. You take what life throws at you and you have three options-

You can choose to ignore it

You can choose to use it to your advantage to help you

Or you can let it halt everything and break you down. Depending on your choices, life can either be a living hell or a very rewarding experience. Take your pick, kiddo. Help yourself to make it not as bad as it seems.
There’s really no answer to that. There will be so many difficult things that you will go through life, but you have to remember that if you want those good days to come you’ll have to go through bad ones. You just have to deal with the things life throws at you because we are humans and we need to learn that life is difficult and that we all have had bad days and will have bad days and that we also have people in our lives to help us through the difficult times.