Enter WHO or WHOM in the blank spaces
1. _____ told you about our plans?
2. _____ is our greatest living scientist?
3. _____ did Armando send for?
4. _____ are those women?
5. _____is your instructor?
6. _____ is your friend?
7. To _____ is that package addressed?
8. For _____ shall I ask?
9. _____ do you think can take my place?
10. From _______ did you borrow that costume?
11. _____ have the people elected?
12. _____ does she look like?
13. With _____ do you plan to study?
14. _____ is the new employee?
15. _____ do I resemble, my mother or my father?
16. The person ____ I called is my sister.
17. For _____ is this letter?
18. _____ will we select?
19. _____ told us about Frank?
20. _____ did he call?
21. _____ sat next to me?