This fear transformed me. Constantly stressed and distracted, I stopped worrying about classes. Too embarrassed to
admit to teachers or my family what was happening, I quietly dropped from an A student in 8th grade to C student just a
year later. My definition of success changed just as dramatically. To me, a good day at school was no longer about
doing well in class. It was simply about getting home without being hassled. To achieve this goal, I learned to blend in to
the crowd- to look, talk, and act like the popular kids. First, I changed my clothes and hairstyle. Then I started behaving
differently, hanging out with new "friends" and teasing the few kids who fit in worse than me. By the end of my freshman
year, I escaped being at the bottom of the social ladder, but I also gave up on being a good student.
3. The main idea of the excerpt is that Logan
a. changed from someone who didn't fit in to someone who did.
b. became a bully,
c. concentrated so much on fitting in that his grades fell.
d. was too embarrassed to admit to his teachers or family that he was being bullied.