Define the Artist class with a constructor to initialize an artist's information and a print_info() method. The constructor should by default initialize the artist's name to "None" and the years of birth and death to 0. print_info() should display Artist Name, born XXXX if the year of death is -1 or Artist Name (XXXX-YYYY) otherwise.

Define the Artwork class with a constructor to initialize an artwork's information and a print_info() method. The constructor should by default initialize the title to "None", the year created to 0, and the artist to use the Artist default constructor parameter values.

Ex: If the input is:

Pablo Picasso
Three Musicians
the output is:

Artist: Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Title: Three Musicians, 1921
If the input is:

Brice Marden
Distant Muses
the output is:

Artist: Brice Marden, born 1938
Title: Distant Muses, 2000
class Artist:
# TODO: Define constructor with parameters to initialize instance attributes
# (name, birth_year, death_year)

# TODO: Define print_info() method. If death_year is -1, only print birth_year

class Artwork:
# TODO: Define constructor with parameters to initialize instance attributes
# (title, year_created, artist)

# TODO: Define print_info() method

if __name__ == "__main__":
user_artist_name = input()
user_birth_year = int(input())
user_death_year = int(input())
user_title = input()
user_year_created = int(input())

user_artist = Artist(user_artist_name, user_birth_year, user_death_year)

new_artwork = Artwork(user_title, user_year_created, user_artist)


Respuesta :


class Artist():

   def __init__(self, artist_name=None, artist_birth_year=0, artist_death_year=0):

       self.artist_name = artist_name

       self.artist_birth_year = artist_birth_year

       self.artist_death_year = artist_death_year

   def display_artist(self):

       if self.artist_death_year == -1:

           print('{}, born {}'.format(self.artist_name, self.artist_birth_year))


           print('{} ({}-{})'.format(self.artist_name, self.artist_birth_year, self.artist_death_year))

class Artwork():

   def __init__(self, artwork_title=None, artwork_year_created=0, artist=Artist()):

       self.artwork_title = artwork_title

       self.artwork_year_created = artwork_year_created

       self.artist = artist

   def display_artist(self):

       print('artwork_title: {}'.format(self.artwork_title))

       print('Artist: ', end='')


def main():

   user_artist_name = input('Enter the name of artist: ')

   user_birth_year = int(input('Enter birth year: '))

   user_death_year = int(input('Enter death year: '))

   user_title = input('Enter master piece title: ')

   user_year_created = int(input('Enter year created: '))

   user_artist = Artist(user_artist_name, user_birth_year, user_death_year)

   new_artwork = Artwork(user_title, user_year_created, user_artist)


if __name__ == "__main__":



  • Inside the constructor of Artist class, initialize the essential properties.
  • Create the display_artist function that checks whether artist_death_year is equal to -1 and then displays an appropriate message according to the condition.
  • Apply the similar steps as above for the Artwork class.
  • Inside the main method, get the information from user and finally call the display_artist function to print the results on screen.