Write a function called ordinal_sum that accepts a string argument and returns the sum of the ordinal values of each character in the string. The ordinal value of a character is its numeric Unicode code point in decimal.

Respuesta :

A function called ordinal_sum that accepts a string argument and returns the sum of the ordinal values of each character in the string. The ordinal value of a character is its numeric Unicode code point in decimal.


The function is ordinal_sum. The string can be accepted in the variable str " ".

#include <iostream>  

#include <string>  

#include <vector>  

using namespace std;  


long long int ordinal_sum (string str,  vector<long long int>& sumArr)  

{  int l = str.length();  

int sum = 0;  

long long int bigSum = 0L;

for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {

if (str[i] == ' ') {  

 bigSum += sum;  


sum = 0;  



sum +=  str[i];          



   bigSum += sum;  

   return bigSum;  


int main()  


   string str = " "

   vector<long long int> sumArr;  

   long long int sum = ASCIIWordSum(str, sumArr);

   cout << "Sum of ASCII values:" << std::endl;  

   for (auto x : sumArr)  

       cout << x << " ";  

   cout << endl  << "Total sum -> " << sum;  

   return 0;  
