Briefly explain to a family member how flower spider coloration might evolve, and also why a flower spider that blends in with the flower is not an example of crypsis, which is defined as hiding (evolutionarily) from a predator.

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The tendency of an animal that helps them from getting detected or observed by other animals is termed as crypsis. The phenomenon can be an antipredator adaptation or a predation strategy. Some of the modes of crypsis are nocturnality, camouflage, mimicry, and subterranean lifestyle.  

Flower spider is a species of spider that takes the color of the flower on which it hides. It is a predator, which works as an ambush killer, that is, it waits for the bees to come to the flower so that it can kill it. It is not an illustration of crypsis, the spider in the mentioned case is a predator, and is not hiding from anyone, it just makes it color to resemble the color of the flower so that it can kill its prey.