Respuesta :
The program to this question can be defined as follows:
#include <stdio.h> //defining header file
void FindTranspose(int r,int c,int ar[][c]);
int main() //defining main method
int r,c,i1,j1; //defining integer variable
printf("Enter row values: "); //message
scanf("%d",&r);//input row values
printf("Enter column values: "); //message
scanf("%d",&c);//input column values
printf("input matrix number: "); //message
//defining loop to input value from user end
int ar[r][c]; //defining array
//input value in the loop
for(i1=0;i1<r;i1++)// row value
for(j1=0;j1<c;j1++)// column value
scanf("%d",&ar[i1][j1]); //input values
FindTranspose(r,c,ar); //calling function.
return 0;
//function FindTranspose to print original and transpose 2D array.
void FindTranspose(int r,int c,int ar[][c])
int i1,j1; //defining integer variable
printf("\nMatrix: \n"); //message
//print matrix
for(i1=0;i1<r;i1++)// row value
for(j1=0;j1<c;j1++)// column value
printf("%d ",ar[i1][j1]); // print value
//print transpose matrix.
printf("\nTranspose of matrix\n"); //message
for(i1=0;i1<c;i1++)// column value
for(j1=0;j1<r;j1++)// row value
printf("%d ",ar[j1][i1]); //print value
Enter row values: 2
Enter column values: 3
input matrix number: 1
1 2 43
5 6 7
Transpose of matrix
1 5
2 6
43 7
In the given code, the first header file is included, then declares a method, that is "FindTranspose". In this method, parameter two integer parameter and an array variable is passed.
- Then the main method is declared, inside the main method, four integer variable "i1,j1,r,c, and ar" is declared, in which variable i1 and j1 used in loop and r,c is used to take input value of row and columns, and in the "ar" array we input value from the user, after input array element we call "FindTranspose" and pass a parameter, that is "ar,r, and c".
- Inside the "FindTranspose" method, two integer variable "i1, and j1" is used in the loop, in the first loop it will print normal matrix, and in the second loop, it will print the inverse of this matrix.