A rectangular beam of width b = 15 in., effective depth d = 20.5 in., and total depth h = 23 in. spans 18.5 ft. between simple supports. It will carry a computed dead load of 1.08 kips/ft. including self-weight, plus a service live load of 2.29 kips/ft. Reinforcement consists of four evenly spaced No. 7 bars in one row. The clear cover on the sides is 2 in. Material strengths are fy = 60,000 psi and fc = 4000 psi. Compute the stress in the steel at full service load, and estimate the maximum crack width using (a) Equation 1 (see Slide No. 10) and (b) equation provided by the ACI Code (see Slide No. 11). Does the section meet the crack control requirement?

Respuesta :

Attached is the solution to the question spelt out above.

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