Respuesta :
Answer is given below.
demand Low Medium High
Hire $250000 $100000 $625000
Subcontract $100000 $150000 $415000
Do nothing $50000 $80000 $300000
a)Optmistic or Maximax criterion
find the maximum from each course of action and choose
the maximum among maximums
demand Low Medium High maximum
Hire $250000 $100000 $625000 $625000
Subcontract $100000 $150000 $415000 $415000
Do nothing $50000 $80000 $300000 $300000
Maximum(maximums) =Max($625000. $415000, $300000)
= $625000
hence, Hire is the decision corresponding to Maximax criterion.
a)Pessimistic or Maximin criterion
find the minimum from each course of action and choose
the maximum among minimums
demand Low Medium High minimum
Hire $250000 $100000 $625000 $100000
Subcontract $100000 $150000 $415000 $100000
Do nothing $50000 $80000 $300000 $50000
Maximum(minimum s) Max ($100000.$1 00000.S50000)
= $100000
hence. Hire or subcontract is the decision corresponding to Maximin
Criterion of realism with coefficient of realism,a 0.7
(maximum in (minimum in ‘
findHvalue. I+(1—a)I I foreach
course of action) i,cousrse of action)
course of action and choose the action which maximises the H value
H(Hire)=0.7(625000)+0.3(100000)= $467500
H (Sub contract) 0.7(415000) + 0.3(100000) = $320500
H (Do nothing) = 0.7(300000) + 0.3(50000) «$225000
The course of action with maximum H is Hire
hence, the decision is Hire
d)Equally likely
here we assume that all 3 states of nature e equally likely with probability (1/3) we find the expected value for each course of action and choose the
course of action with maximum expected value.
1/3 1/3 1/3
demand Low Medium High
Hire $250000 $100000 $625000
Subcontract $100000 $150000 $415000
Do nothing $50000 $80000 $300000
E(Hire) = 1/3 * (250000) + 1/3 *(100000) + 1/3 *(625000)
= $325000
E(Sub contract) = 1/3 *(100000) + 1/3 *(150000)+ 1/3 *(4 15000)
= $22166667
E(Do nothing)= 1/3 * (50000)+ 1/3 * (80000) + 1/3 * (300000)
the course of action with maximum expected value is Hire
hence, the decision is to Hire
e)Minimax regret approach
Here we convert the given matrix into regret matnx by choosing the maximum
pay off from each state of nature and subtracting the maximum from all
elements of that corresponding column.
find the maximum regret for each course of action and choose the minimum
among it.
Regret matrix
demand Low Medium High maximum
Hire 0 $50000 0 $50000
Subcontract $150000 0 $210000 $210000
Do nothing $200000 $70000 $325000 $325000
the minim among maximum regret values is $50000 and the corresponding
course of action is Hire
Hence, the decision is to Hire.