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The attack on Pearl harbor will be known as "a day that will live in infamy because of the trauma, fear, and anger it caused the United States and the repercussions that it caused to the world and the World War. It is what brought the United States into World War II which would most likely not have happened if Pearl Harbor were not to have been bombed.


Infamy is defined as "the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed." So why will the attack on Pearl Harbor go down in infamy? Well it's because a lot of things happened because of the attack. There was a lot of bad surrounding the attack on Pearl Harbor and what happened that day, lets take a look at what happened to America that infamous day.

First of all it was a surprise attack. The United States was taken completely off guard by the attack. Most Americans never thought anyone would have the audacity to attack American soil, that is one reason the bombing was so baffling. An offensive on United States soil had never occurred until this point (except for during the revolutionary war, before the United States was founded) Because of this a lot of Americans started to live in fear. Fear ricochet across the country. Americans were mad, furious that someone would surprise attack our troops, not to mention the families, wives, husbands and children, who lost someone in a ruthless move by the Japanese.

It wasn't just an simple surprise attack. America was at peace when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. We had not entered the war yet, nor had we planned to. So, the Japanese not only attacked us on our own soil, but they killed and injured hundreds of unsuspecting soldiers and innocent people. Pearl Harbor was on alert, but an attack of that magnitude was never expected. We weren't prepared for something like that, we had to improvise and do whatever we could to protect our fellow Americans which resulted in incredible loss.

The attack on Pearl Harbor had massive effects across the world. Just think about this - had the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor never occurred, we probably never would have joined the World War. We would have remained in isolationism. Car factories wouldn't have been turned into tank factories, women wouldn't have started to join the manufacturing workforce, hundreds if not thousands of US soldiers wouldn't have gone to war and died, the nuclear bomb wouldn't have been created by the United States first, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would never had been laid to gravel, D-Day would have been a miserable failure, and the Nazi regime may have been able to continue to advance in Europe and Africa had the US not joined the war. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor not only traumatized the nation and took hundreds of innocent lives, bet it set in motion the United States joining World War II. And that is why that day will live in infamy. The effects it had on the United States and the devastating loss of life and morale caused an unforgettable day of sorrow.

Universidad de Mexico