Option A- Pathos
Option B- Logos
Option C- Kairos
People make use of different types of rhetoric appeals to persuade their audience. Logos is a type of rhetoric device which makes use of logic and reason. The sentence 'Incentives lead to better performance. Therefore, we should offer commissions to our sales representatives', is an example of logos because we can see that here the author have clearly mentioned why commission should be offered to sales representatives by providing a logical reason.
Pathos is a rhetoric devices which influence people in an emotional way. In the sentence, 'We must embrace this new company change together, because we are a family' by using the term 'family', the speaker is trying to convey its employees to adapt to the change.
Kairos on the other hand refers to the suited or right time/place to say or do something. 'Enroll in our summer computer programming classes. The applicationndeadline is May 4' here, the coaches are trying influence people by giving out the deadline.