Respuesta :


Many invertebrate animals cant survive in water that has been polluted and resulted in a lowering of oxygen concentration so the presence or absence indicates the extent to which a body of water is polluted.

Lichens can be used to indicate air pollution as they grow exposed to places such us rocks and tree barks. They need to be efficient at absorbing water and nutrients to grow there. Rain water contains enough nutrients to keep them alive. Air pollutants dissolve in rain water especially sulfur dioxide can damage lichens and prevent them from growing. This makes them a natural indicator of air pollution.



explain how invertebrates can be used to monitor water pollution?

According to research by entomologist and hydrologist, invertebrates such as insects (dragonflies, stone flies) are used as an indicator to know whether a water body is clean fro consumption or not. The presence of these insects validates such water body to be fit while the presence of some insects indicates decay and pollution of such water body. Polluted water body serves as a breeding site for insects such as anopheles
