Answer: Similarly to other authoritarian regimes, fascist regime feels need to control its population (what people do, what people think). They create what Karl Raymund Popper called "closed society". Psychologically speaking fascist regimes are dogmatic, usually ruled by rigid authorities and limited exchange with the outside world. There is no plurality, respect for difference and change (which is something quite natural). Such system is really closed. What is supported and promoted is a very narrow and dogmatic view of the world, society, people. To promote this fascist regimes need 1) sophisticated system of propaganda, 2) censorship, 3) political police, 4) ideological leader.
Explanation: Psychologically, dogmatics are people who are in their innermost core insecure and this insecurity is compensated in their outward behaviour ...they assume very authoritarian attitudes, they inflexible in their thinking and have tendency to dominate others verbally, indoctrinate them (some can view them as the only carriers of the only truth).