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Society heavily frowns upon taking another person's life and the study of this is often a fascination of both Sociology and Psychology. The following is a sample research paper that explores serial killers in their various forms and the law enforcement means that pursue them. Ultius offers research paper writing services for sample papers like these.
Research paper on serial killers
The definition of a serial killer is traditionally noted as a person who has a particular psychological motivation for killing. The murders are usually performed in a unique fashion and the killer has a signature that they are often known for. Serial killers are often compared to mass murderers; however, serial killers do not typically follow the mass murderer format where there are no breaks in between the murders. Serial killers tend to have characteristics that highlight the fact that they are murderers.
Existing theories on serial killers
Theories have been proposed as to what starts someone into being a serial killer. One particular theory that has been stressed was the diathesis-stress model, which is stated to be that all serial killers have a propensity to act and think a certain way due to environmental stressors. Through a combination of other factors such as self-esteem and self-control coupled with social skill issues, the person retreats into serial killer mode.
The killer, at that point, believes that they can correct their problems through killing. Holmes and DeBurger (1998) specified the typology of serial killers and expressed this typology into four distinct categories:
Four categories of serial killers
Visionary killers are categorized as being out of touch with reality and are noted as hearing voices in their head
Mission-oriented serial killers, state that their life's mission is to kill certain kinds of people
Hedonistic killers gain their thrills from the joy of the act and these are the majority of serial killers
Power/control killers seek more satisfaction through bloodlust and having complete control over their victims (Walsh)
Serial killers, essentially allay their self-esteem and self-control issues through violent acts against others.
Law enforcement and social scientists have often tried to assess serial killers who have been caught in order to better understand their reasons for acting violent. Since serial killers have a definitive personality profile, reasoning and logic has found common behaviors associated with all of them such as animal abuse, bed wetting and the desire to set fires. While these reasons are not associated with all serial killers, there has been a tendency for these traits to be present in the majority of serial killers that have been studies.
Social science has discovered that about 90% of all serial killers are Caucasian males between the ages of 25-35, although there are also female serial killers as well. These individuals tend to be extremely smart and often tend to have trouble holding secure employment. Serial killers usually come from dysfunctional families, or have had one parent abandon them at an early age. Psychological analysis has reasoned that this dysfunction or abandonment has caused many individuals to commit these heinous criminal acts.
A study performed by R. Ressler, A. Burgess and J. Douglas studied 36 serial killers and found that each of them had a similar childhood (Guillen). The frequency of common characteristics provided the realm of psychology and sociology with a significant assessment of how to best understand serial killers.
Gender differences amongst serial killers
Female serial killers have been found based upon significant data to killer for money or pure excitement as opposed to their male counterparts who have other reasons for killing. Poison is usually seen to be the common technique used by female serial killers. Female serial killers also have been shown to have longer careers as murderers than their male counterparts and they typically carefully plan their crimes through a methodical process.
Kelleher and Kelleher (1998) in a study on serial killers selected seven different categories for women who kill:
Seven categories of female serial killers
Black widow
Angel of death
Revenge killer
Murder for profit or crime
Killer whose sanity is in question
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