Excerpt from Seaplanes
Roberto Barerra

2Flying boats have a fuselage, or body, that looks and acts like a ship’s hull. This hull enables them to float on water very easily. Two small floats underneath its wings keep the flying boat stable in rough water. These seaplanes are usually larger and more stable on water than floatplanes are. A floatplane is a seaplane that has two long floats, called pontoons, under the fuselage. This is the only part of the plane that touches the water. Unlike flying boats, floatplanes often come in a wide variety of sizes. An amphibious vehicle can be either a flying boat or a floatplane with wheels. This allows the aircraft to land on both land and water.
If amphi- means both and –bious means mode of life, which word means adapted for both land and water?
A) dubious
B) ambitious
C) amplified
D) amphibious

Respuesta :

Word that means adapted for both land and water

D) amphibious


The reason of this etymology of how the word is construed is given in the passage itself.

The word root  amphi- means both and –bious means mode of life.

These two roots combine to form the word that is given here and it is pretty clear to see that these two roots combined will mean something along the lines of both modes of life.

The two modes of life being described here are life in see and life  on earth.

So, the meaning of the phrase comes with the word Amphibious.