Milk weed It is an amazing plant we can see how it works against predators, which shows that it has a powerful natural protection complex. For example:
The E. helioscopy sap is intensely toxic, as protection against natural predators; It contains various esters of 12-deoxiforbol, of which the most concentrated and toxic is 12-deoxiforbol-13-phenylacetate-20-acetate. It causes an acute inflammation of the mucous membranes with which it comes into contact, and of the gastric membrane in the event of ingestion or blood absorption. It has been used experimentally in the pharmaceutical industry, and as a potential natural alternative for the production of gum in temperate regions where traditional sources cannot be cultivated.
In Indian medicine, its very toxicity makes it used topically and systemically as an anthelmintic, using the oil from the seeds and the decoction of leaves and stems.