Setting up the ODE system is perhaps the hardest part, so I'll do just that and include the general and particular solution at the end. (Showing all the work would definitely exceed the character limit.)
Let [tex]A(t)[/tex] and [tex]B(t)[/tex] denote the amount of salt in tanks A and B, respectively, at time [tex]t[/tex].
Salt flows into tank A at a rate of
(0.2 kg/L) * (6 L/min) + (B(t)/100 kg/L) * (1 L/min) = (1.2 + B(t)/100) kg/min
and flows out at a rate of
(A(t)/100 kg/L) * (4 + 3 L/min) = 7 A(t)/100 kg/min
Salt flows into tank B at a rate of
(A(t)/100 kg/L) * (3 L/min) = 3 A(t)/100 kg/min
and flows out at a rate of
(B(t)/100 kg/L) * (1 + 2 L/min) = 3 B(t)/100 kg/min
Then the net rate of change of the amount of salt in the tanks is governed by the system of ODEs,
[tex]\begin{cases}A'=1.2-\frac{7A}{100}+\frac B{100}\\B'=\frac{3A}{100}-\frac{3B}{100}\end{cases}[/tex]
or in matrix form,
[tex]\mathbf x'=\frac1{100}\begin{bmatrix}-7&1\\3&-3\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}1.2\\0\end{bmatrix}[/tex]
From here I'd suggest solving using the method of undetermined coefficients.
See the screenshot for the particular solution to the system with the initial conditions [tex]A(0)=0[/tex] and [tex]B(0)=20[/tex].