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Answer: this passage by Paul is not supporting homosexuality but it was trying to bring out those things that God hate e.g lust and homosexuality. God is not really happy with the way man has turn He said in his word that the people worship him with their mouth but their heart is far away from him. He specifically told the isrealite not to commit the sins of the ammonites to which He hates and adhor and destroy them and to whose land the isrealite now occupy but the people continuously rebel.
God does not force his will on us. From the beginning, he always wants us to make the right choices and flee from sin but he does not want to impose himself on us but allow us to realize our fault na and return to him that is why he gave us liberty to do all we want. He is not happy when we sin that is why he sent his prophets, pastors and messengers to talk to us but men should to look the wrong way.
Explanation: the more God wanted the people to be close to him, the more they reject him, reject his prophet and also reject his words. He therefore leave them to their own fate if they will learn a lesson from it and then return back to him.
The word immorality to the Jews and gentiles, it meant different word. Paul wanted the people to know how they have gone far from the presence of God by engaging in homosexuality and lust. He wanted the people to realize that in the above way, they have Good far from God's presence and God is not with they that practice such. He wanted them to realize their sinful ways and return to God. In the scripture Paul describe those that rejects God and how God has left them to their own shameful lust and also how our lack of self control leads to sin against God. God does not dwell in a dirty temple and our body is the temple of God. When we give ourselves to these shameful acts, we drive God from our live and a sinner has no part with God in heaven because the Bible refers to Hell as the destination of those who engage in such acts and who reject God.
Homosexuality, Lust and Idol worship
Some of the key terms
Dishonorable Passions- idolatry which is a pagan practice, lust and lies.
Natural Relations- men and women divorced themselves of heterosexuality.
Unnatural Relations- homosexuality of men and consumed in passion for one another, same sex, which is contrary to their natural relations
God prohibits idol worship like that prevalent in Pagan culture and considers it as a dishonorable passion. Another immoral act is the homosexual desires and activities, God has left it to our actions so as to test whether we adhere to the true teachings or indulge in our lust. It lead women into sexual relationships with other women, and men into lustful relations with other men. The demand of the flesh becomes only priority focused on sexual gratification without shame. Spiritual awareness gets denied due to our actions.
Paul sees homosexual behavior as licentious and denial of God ( both his Presence and purpose of life ). Homosexual behavior is immoral, selfish and licentious without any true sense of love.
Lastly, he says, such choices shall have consequences. They will live unhappy and unfulfilled lives due to their own errors. God is not punishing them rather they themselves are.