Kent is an accountant who is terribly bored and frustrated with his current position. He feels he is not paid nearly enough and feels terribly unappreciated. Ahmed, a very sociable person, is frustrated by the fact that he gets very little human contact throughout the day. The human contact he does have is with his boss, who is frequently absent. James, a construction supervisor, is tired because he is on his feet all day. All other things being equal and based on research, who is most likely to experience burnout?
a) James
b) Kent and James are about equal
c) Ahmed
d) Kent

Respuesta :



Explanation:Because Kent is underpaid he is more likely to experience burnout, while as Ahmed is sociable he gets more happy because he is considered important to keep others occupied and that cancels out little human contact while James cant take a break as the supervisor he has the ability to tell others to so something so he can take a little break

Hope this helped!