You are to write a literary analysis essay about a character in Lord of the Flies and explain how that character creates or influences one of the themes in the novel. You may choose from the following characters:
• Ralph
• Jack
• Simon
• Piggy
• Samneric (acting as one)

Your essay must connect your analysis of your chosen character to one of the novel's key themes and:
• Be 500–750 words long.
• Include at least three body paragraphs.
• Contain a clear, concise, arguable thesis statement that offers insight into the characterization of the chosen character.
• Use transition words and phrases to create coherence.
• Use direct quotations cited correctly.
• Include a conclusion paragraph that restates the thesis statement in different wording.
• Effectively use paragraphing to indicate a change in subject.
• Give specific textual evidence to support your thesis statement.
• Use correct capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling.
• Use words, phrases, or clauses for a specific pattern of organization.
You must also submit your paragraph revision graphic organizer.

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just change a few words, this is my old essay from freshman year


Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a book about the brutality and inhumanity that arises between children when they are deserted. In this book, at least 20 kids are stranded on an island with no grownups, only themselves. They have to learn how to survive without adults and chaos plays a big factor in this novel. Throughout the book they make rules and try to stay organized, but they ultimately cannot deal with themselves without the outside world and become leviathans. The conch, the beast, and the hunting show the boys descent into savagery.  

The conch shows many themes all through this book. Though, the most frequent theme is  how it did more harm than good. In the beginning of LOTF it shows how the conch created some ‘organization’ in the group. This conch is the only thing that keeps them from tearing each other apart. Even Jack Merridew, who was known for causing turmoil respected the conch, “He laid the conch with great care in the grass at his feet” (22). Yet, towards the end of the book, the conch caused a few bad things to happen. “The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist” (181). In this quote, Roger “with a sense of delirious abandonment” pushed down the lever so that the rock would come down and cause a ruckus. I theorize that Roger had felt left out of all the madness happening below him, that he had to do something to put attention on him. This shows, that the  conch causes lunacy. The attention was on Piggy because he had the conch, therefore because Roger did not have the conch he felt left out and craved attention, and it drove him to do something drastic. Whoever holds the conch always has the attention on them. Piggy says, “I got the conch, I got the right to speak” (44). In this quote, the boys let the fire go out and Piggy has something to say about it. No one likes to listen to Piggy, but because he has the conch it is only fair that they listen to him, since that is the rule. Ralph made the rule that whoever has the conch has the right to speak and everyone has to listen. Democracy was established with the conch. Overall, the conch caused quite a lot of bad things to happen.