Prokaryotes exhibit almost every possible type of metabolism. Some may get energy from light (photo) or chemical compounds (chemo). Some may get carbon from carbon dioxide (autotroph) or other living things (heterotroph).
Photoautotrophs: are organisms that capture light energy, and use carbon dioxide as their carbon source. These organisms include cyanobacteria.
Chemoautotrophs: are organisms that break down inorganic molecules to supply energy for the cell, and use carbon dioxide as a carbon source. Nitrosomonas, oxidizes NH4+ to nitrite (NO2−) releasing energy which the bacteria utilizes.
Photoheterotrophs: These are organisms that utilize light energy and convert it to chemical energy in the cells, but they get their carbon from organic sources (other organisms). Examples are purple non-sulfur bacteria and green non-sulfur bacteria.
Chemoheterotrophs: are organisms that get their energy source and carbon source from organic sources which they are unable to make themselves.