Chegg CHALLENGE PROBLEM SET 2: NOMINAL ADVERBIALS [Critical Thinking; Data Analysis; Challenge] In the text we observed that NPs must appear adjacent to the Verb in VPs, they cannot come after a post-verbal AdvP: a) *Shannon kissed quietly the kitten. b) Shannon kissed the kitten quietly However, there appears to be a class of nouns that can appear in this position. These are nouns expressing quantities of time: c) Shannon left quietly every day Other examples include last year, every day, each week etc. Part 1: How do we know that these constituents are NPs and not AdvPs? (Pay attention to what can modify the N.) Part 2: Is there a way to incorporate such NPs into our PSR system? Explain your answer.

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By taking note of the position of adverbs


The positions of the adverbs in relation to the modifying nouns relates if these constituents are NPs and not AdvPs. For example, the following sentences would have different meanings:

  • She quietly kissed the cat (she kissed the cat without making noise).
  • She kissed the cat quietly (she kissed the cat slowly).

The position of the words determines the meaning of the sentences.