Use the APWA 5600 methodology to compute the 1/25 design discharge for the following catchment. The catchment area consists of 10 acres of impervious area, 30 acres of apartments and 35 acres of single family housing. The maximum flow path to the outlet is 1000 feet long with the upper catchment slope having an average slope of 1.5% for approximately 150 feet and the remaining slope of the flow path averaging 1.8%.

Respuesta :


For a given flow rate, open channel flow based design requires larger conduit sizes than those dimensioned  based on pressure flow. While it may be more expensive to build designed storm drainage systems

Based on open channel flow, this design procedure provides a margin of safety by providing  headroom in the duct to accommodate an increase in flow above the design discharge. Beneath the majority

Under normal conditions, it is recommended that the size of storm drains be based on a gravity flow to full flow criteria  or almost full. The design of the pressure flow may be justified in certain cases. As the hydraulic calculations are  performed, frequent verification of the existence of the desired flow condition should be performed.

Storm drainage systems can often alternate between pressure and open channel flow conditions from one  section to another (Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation, 1996).

For gravity flow conditions, the Manning formula must be edited as described below.

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ܣܴ ଶ / ଷ ܵ ଵ / ଶ


Q = Discharge, cubic feet per second

A = flow cross-sectional area, square feet

n = Manning roughness coefficient (see Table 5603-1)

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R = hydraulic radius, feet

S = slope in feet per foot

P = wet perimeter in feet