If your manager assumed that you are motivated by money and offered incentive pay so that you would earn more money if you did more work, what approach to motivation is being illustrated?

Respuesta :

Answer: Scientific management


The scientific management theory focuses on the improvement of the efficiency of every individual in the organization. The main emphasis is on production increase by using intensive technology.

The main principles of scientific management are the separation of planning from doing, use of motion, time and fatigue to determine work done by each employee, improvement in working conditions and tools standardization, supervision, proper training and scientific selection of workmen.

The scientific management theory proposed the use of financial incentives to workers in order to enhance their productivity and encourage them to perform well.

There are several approaches to motivation and the one shown above is the Scientific management approach.

Scientific management has posits various suggestions to to how to improve productivity and one of them is financial incentivization.

It is believed by scientific management that a huge part of human productivity comes down to financial reward which is why offering one more pay would make them become more productive.

In conclusion, this is scientific management.

Find out more about incentives at https://brainly.com/question/1807384.