Sub 5 = 6, Add 6 = 5.
In the following snippet, they define a function 'addsub()' and pass integer data type argument 'a' and boolean data type argument 'isSub'. Then, set the if conditional statement to check that the variable 'isSub' is true then, return the function 'sub()' that takes an integer data type argument 'a' and return a - 1. Otherwise, return a + 1.
Finally, they define the main method and print 'Sub 5 =' and then, call the function 'addsub()' by passing an argument 5 and false so they return the a+1 because isSub is false and it executes else part, print 'Add 6 =' and then, again they class the 'addsub()' by passing 6 and True so they return a-1 because 'isSub' is True and it executes the if part and calls 'sub()' method.