Respuesta :
a basic process control system is necessary as long as the work by the personnel in charge is efficient, this reduces by 90% the errors or failures to calculate the system to operate
Production staff human error
Another reason why a breakdown can occur is due to an error of the production personnel. This error, in turn, can originate from:
Error of interpretation of an indicator during the normal operation of the equipment, which causes the operator or driver of the installation to make the wrong decision
Incorrect performance in the event of a machine failure. For example, introducing water into a hot boiler in which water has been lost visually; as it is not known how much water is inside, it may be empty and hot, so when water is introduced it will produce instant vaporization, with the consequent increase in pressure that can even cause the boiler to explode.
Physical factors of the operator: this may not be in perfect condition to carry out his work, due to dizziness, sleep, fatigue accumulated by long working hours, illness, etc.
Psychological factors, such as demotivation, problems external to work, etc., greatly influence the proliferation of operational errors
Lack of clear systematic instructions, such as procedures, technical instructions, etc., or poor implementation of these Lack of training