
The CDC also determines the particular strain of Dengue in each sample using genetic analysis. Similarities in DNA sequences indicate relatedness of different viruses. What method could the CDC use to determine the DNA sequence of the Dengue virus isolated from Caroline's blood sample?

Respuesta :

Next generation DNA sequencing


CDC must use Next generation DNA sequencing  method to determine the DNA sequence of the dengue virus.

The mostly used sequencing methods now a days are called Next-generation sequencing methods. They are faster, cheaper , accurate and need a small amount of sample.

Next generation sequencing platforms perform massively parallel sequencing, during which millions of fragments of DNA from a single sample are sequenced in unison. Massively parallel sequencing technologies facilitates high -throughput sequencing, which allows an entire genome to be sequenced in one day.

in Medical research where speed is necessary and sample size is small, these sequencing technology will be best to be used.