1. What are characteristics of nonverbal expressions of power and dominance Amy Cuddy mentions in her talk? 2. Do people tend to mirror each other's nonverbals or complement them? Explain. 3. What two hormones relate to power and dominance? 4. Describe two high power poses and two low power poses? 5. Do you think it is possible to "fake it until you become it"? Explain why you agree or disagree.

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1. Body language,

2. Yes, People do mirror each other's nonverbal

3. Testosterone and cortisol

4. High power pose(Puting your hands on your waist, Spreading your hands wide to appear more powerful) and low power pose(putting your finger(s) on your mouth, folding your hands on your chest).

5. Yes, you can fake until you become it.


non verbal expression is the communication without the use of spoken language.  Body language is nonverbal expression. for example use of sign like a smile, glance, awkward wink and handshake. Testotesrone and Cortisol affect body expression

it is possible to fake it untill you become it. When you  practice something privately and  before going into real stressful situation, it gives you more confidence. Initially you do not have that confidence but by this practice you gained that confident.