Although they have different symptoms and characteristics, dissociative disorders and somatic symptom disorders are often grouped together because they both involve responsive defenses against stressors.
Dissociative disorders are the disruption or loss of the integrative mechanisms of consciousness, memory, identity e.t.c. Eamples include, a disruption of memory, a disruption of identity, a disruption of conciousness and identity commonly reffered to multiple persionality disorder. While on the other hand, Somatic symptom disorders are a chronic and heritable deficit in emotional intelligence which manifest with complaints of multiple bodily pains, gastrointestinal, pseudoneurological, sexual, and reproductive symptoms.
The reason why the are grouped together is as a result of the fact that, all these disorders are the response of the body to stresses which it passes through. The response of the body defenses to these stresses are what manifest as disorders.