
A football player was carrying the ball up the field when he set his right foot in the sod and turned to his left to avoid an oncoming tackler. the defensive player tackled him hitting his right leg. the player went down with a knee injury. do an on-the-field evaluation for this mechanism.

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Accurate diagnosis employs the use of appropriate understanding of knee anatomy, general pain processes in knee injuries, and characteristics of mostly stimulated sources of knee pain, including certain physical assessment expertise. The history will have to involve features of the patient's pain, mechanical indications Such as locking, popping, giving way, joint outburst which entails timing, the level, relapse, and mechanism of damage. The physical examination will have to employ cautious examination of the knee, feeling for point inflammation, examination of joint outburst, range-of-motion assessment, assessment of ligaments for damage or laxity, and evaluation of the menisci.