Respuesta :

Answer:The evangelization of Catholicism was motivated by many conjoining desires and rationalizations. The Spanish Crown was interested in the spread of the Spanish Empire, and viewed the spread of the Catholic Church as a primary means to colonize the land and the indigenous people on it. The Catholic Church as an institution was interested in redeeming the souls of the indigenous Americans. They believed that they were given the divine right and responsibility of Christianizing as many parts of the world as possible. Missionaries themselves were motivated by the desire to construct the Americas as the site of pure Christianity, as a departure from European Christianity. Many religious clergy had become critical of the increasingly corrupt papacy in Europe, demanding excessive tribute and accepting monetary indulgences for redemption. Many clergy ventured to the Americas so they could preach what they felt was a purer form of Christianity, and to redeem the souls of the indigenous peoples. This paternalist viewpoint excused much of the violence and abuse experienced by the indigenous Americans at the hands of the colonizers, political elite and religious clergy alike.
