In preparing students to write a chemical equation, we often use analogies. Let's write an equation for the construction of a car with just 2 doors. We'll use doors, body, interior, tires.

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In preparing students to write a chemical equation, we often use analogies. Let's write an equation for the construction of a car with just 2 doors. We'll use doors, body, interior, tires.

a 2 doors + 1 body + 1 interior + 4 tires → 1 car

b doors + body + interior + tires → car

c 4 doors + 1 body + 1 interior + 4 tires → 1 car

d 2 doors + 1 body + 1 interior + 4 tires == 1 car

Respuesta :


The correct answer is option a.


Chemical equation is the representation of chemical reaction taking place in between the compounds.While writing a chemical reaction, reactants are written on the left followed by arrow indicating towards right and then products.

Reactant → Product

An equation for the construction of a car with just 2 doors.

2 doors + 1 body + 1 interior + 4 tires → 1 car

Hence, the correct answer is option a.