In this maths tutorial, we introduce exponents / powers and roots using formulas, solved examples and practice questions.
Powers and Roots | Formulas, Solved Examples, Practice Problems
Exponents, also called powers, are a way of expressing a number multiplied by itself by a certain number of times.
When we write a number a, it is actually a1, said as a to the power 1.
a2 = a*a
a3 = a*a*a
an = a*a*a*a* . . . n times.
Basic formulas in Powers and Roots
Some basic formulas used to solve questions on exponents are:
(am)n = (an)m = amn = am+n
a-m = 1/am
am/an = am-n = 1/an-m
(ab)n = anbn
(a/b)n = an/bn
a0 = 1