- Classic fairy tale phrase to start: Érase una vez or había una vez...
- Regular or irregular superlative adjective to describe your main character: *insert name of the character* es la persona más valiente del mundo (in case you want to say that the main character is a very brave person, for example).
- Regular or irregular verb in the imperfect tense to share where your main character lived: *insert name of the character* vivía en un país exótico muy lejano (if you want to say that the main character lived in a remote country).
- An -ísimo or -ísima superlative to describe the other character: *insert name of the other character* es una persona altísima, sin lugar a dudas (in case you want to say that the other character is an undoubtedly tall person).
- Classic fairy tale phrase to end: Y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado.