Respuesta :

1. america wanted France as an ally in its Cod War effort to contain the Soviet Union. Truman believed that if he supported Vietnamese independence, he would weaken anticommunist forces in France. To ensure French support in the Cold war, Truman agreed to aid France's efforts to regain control over Vietnam.

2.  The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos. ... With the exception of Laos and Cambodia, communism failed to spread throughout Southeast Asia.

3. Black antiwar groups opposed the war for similar reasons as white groups, but often protested in separate events and sometimes did not cooperate with the ideas of white antiwar leadership. They harshly criticized the draft because poor and minority men were usually most affected by conscription.

4. The stated goals of the tax cuts were to raise personal incomes, increase consumption, and increase capital investments. Evidence shows that these goals were exceeded by large degree with the combination of tax cuts and domestic spending programs President Johnson advocated, such as Medicare.