Many customers have visited Patty’s Diner for decades because of the diner’s friendly service. Most customers feel that Patty’s is the friendliest placed around. In a SWOT analysis, the friendly service at Patty’s is an example of a company

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Answer: Strength.


SWOT analysis of a company is a study into the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats facing that company. At Patty's Diner, the friendly service is an area of strength which the restaurant uses to attract buyers to their shop. Hence Patty's Diner has to maintain the friendly service they render.




The SWOT analysis is carried out to determine both internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors that affect a company. Internal factors can be controlled by the company, while external factors cannot:

  • Strengths: internal positive attributes of your company, what it does well.
  • Weaknesses: internal attributes that need to be improved because the competition does them better.
  • Opportunities: external business environment factors that can help your company thrive.
  • Threats: external business environment factors that can make your company fail.