Ms. Karen West, age 58 years, is a retired librarian. She admits to leading a sedentary lifestyle, especially now that she has stopped working. Her only self-reported activity is working in her garden. She reports she has gained "about 15 pounds" in the last several years. At 5 feet, 4 inches, Ms. West weighs 192 pounds.
Ms. West has not been see a physician in the past 4 years and her last blood laboratory tests were done 8 years ago.
Among other tests, the primary care provider orders a lipid profile be completed for Ms. West.

The results return with the following values:
Total cholesterol: 238 mg/dL
LDL cholesterol: 160 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol: 35 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 210 mg/dL

Which of these values are considered high? Select all that apply.

a. Total cholesterol
b. LDL
c. HDL
d. Triglycerides

Respuesta :


A. Total cholesterol is borderline high

B. LDL is high

C. Triglycerides are high


A simple blood test is done on an empty stomach to check the total cholesterol levels (including LDL, HDL and triglycerides) in the body.

Normal total cholesterol is upto 200 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter).

Normal HDL (good cholesterol) level is 60 mg/dl or above.

Normal LDL (bad cholesterol) level is 100 mg/dl or even lower.

Normal triglycerides level is below 150 mg/dl.