In this this problem you will be using for loops to take a matrix of random number and create a new matrix that is the same as the random matrix, but with zeros on the diagonal. a) Create matrix m that is a 10x10 matrix of random whole numbers from 1 to 20. You will have to manipulate the random number generator function to modify the interval and get only whole numbers. b) Create a for loop that runs for index i equal to the index for every row in the matrix. Next, create a nested for loop that runs for index j equal to the index for every column in the matrix. This is very similar to the Your Turn - Extra slide of Lecture 13. c) Now, we want to use our for loops to create a new niatrix, n, that is equal to matrix m, but with zeros on the diagonal. You should use an if/else statement to create this new matrix. If the location is on the diagonal (i=j), then the value of matrix n at the location will be zero. Otherwise, the value of matrix n equals the value of matrix m at each location

Respuesta :


import numpy as np

# creating matrix of order 10*10 with random numbers between 1 and 20

m = np.random.randint(1,20, size=(10,10))

# create new matrix which reads matrix m and produces zero along the diagonal

n = np.random.randint(1,20, size=(10,10)) # create new matrix, n

for i in range(0,10): # loop through row of matrix

 for j in range(0,10): # loop through column of the matrix

   if i==j: # check for the diagonal element

     n[i][j] = 0 # asign diagonal value to zero


     n[i][j] = m[i][j] # assign the value of matrix m to n

# displaying m and n matrix in the given format using disp function

from io import StringIO

buf = StringIO()


m = buf.getvalue()

m = m[1:-1] #removing the extra [ and ]from beginning and end

print("m = ")

print(m.replace(" [","").replace('[',"").replace(']',""))

buf = StringIO()


n = buf.getvalue()

n = n[1:-1] #removing the extra [ and ]from beginning and end

print("n = ")

print(n.replace(" [","").replace('[',"").replace(']',""))
