Keiko, a middle-aged man who moved to America from Japan 10 years ago, has been referred to a psychologist because he is displaying the classic symptoms of anxiety and depression. According to the Culture and Human Behavior box, Keiko _________

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According to the Culture and Human Behavior box, Keiko:

- may not agree that becoming more assertive, more self-sufficient, less dependent on others, and caring for his own needs first are good ideas.

- may be reluctant to discuss personal, intimate details of his life with a stranger.

- may try to avoid focusing on upsetting thoughts and resist exploring painful thoughts and feelings that could help resolve his psychological problems.


Keiko is a middle-aged Japanese American. So he faces lot of cultural differences and it is difficult for him to adapt it. So he often expresses anxiety and depression. To deal with his symptoms he was suggested to visit psychologist.

Being migrated from one place to other, he was not able to be confident and self-sufficient. He was not ready to share his personals with stranger.

It is important for Keiko to resists his feelings and painful thoughts to resolve his psychological problems.