Checkpoint 4.72 Write a statement that uses a conditional expression that determines if the credits variable is less than 0. If the condition is true, assign the value 0 to the credits variable, otherwise the value of the credits variable should remain unchanged.

Respuesta :


See step to step explanations for answer.


This is the expression to check if credits is less than 0 assuming variable name is credits:



credits = 0;


Q 4.69:

this is the expression checking the name is Swordfish or not



cout<<"We have a match";


Q 4.67

This is the expression to check the character assuming that character is ch

if(ch>='1' && ch<='9')


cout<<"Digit detected";


Q 4.59:

This is the statement to check if the number is between 0 and 500 inclusive . Assuming the variable is n

if(n>=0 && n<=500)


cout<<"The number is valid";
