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The correct answer is Ethnic Conflict

The African continent is the scene of a series of conflicts, a consequence of colonialist intervention, mainly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This intervention process directly interfered in the political, economic and social conditions of the African population.

The territorial division of the continent had as criteria only the interests of European colonizers, disregarding the ethnic and cultural differences of the local population. Several communities, often rivals, that historically lived in conflict, were placed in the same territory, while groups of the same ethnicity were separated.

After the Second World War, there was an intense process of independence for African nations. However, new countries were formed on the same territorial base built by European colonists, disrespecting the culture and history of communities, consequently numerous ethnic conflicts over the power struggle were unleashed within these countries.

Another aggravating factor for the emergence of these conflicts in Africa refers to the low socioeconomic status of many countries and the installation of dictatorial governments. During the Cold War, which involved the United States and the Soviet Union, arms were financed for African countries, providing technical and financial apparatus for the different groups of guerrillas, who often had - and still do - children who are forced , through ideological manipulation, hating different ethnic groups.