1. Siéntense en la cama. 2. No lo limpie ahora. 3. Lávenmelas mañana. 4. No nos los sirvan. 5. Sacúdalas antes de ponerlas. 6. No se las busquen. 7. Despiértenlo a las ocho. 8. Cámbiesela por otra. 9. Pídanselos a Martín. 10. No se lo digan hoy.

Respuesta :



1. Sit on the bed. 2. Don't clean it now. 3. Wash them for me tomorrow. 4. Don't serve them to us. 5. Shake them before putting them on. 6. Don't look for them. 7. Wake him up at eight. 8. Exchange it for another. 9. Ask Martin for them. 10. Don't tell him today.
